Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lu Theology 201 Quiz 5 Study Guid Free Essays
QUIZ 5 STUDY GUIDE Towns: Chapter IV What is foretelling? prophesying, predicting future events p 182 What is forthtelling? a preacher to people Why is it essential that Christ was born of a virgin? he would no be able to save himself because he would not be a sinless savior p 185; to have parents without a sin nature What was Christ’s threefold office? prophet, priest, king p 180 What is the incarnation? â€Å"the word became flesh and dwelt among us†p 191; god took on human flesh p 191 What does the act of the kenosis as stated in Philippians 2 mean? ade himself of no reputation; emptied himself; veiling his glory, accepting the limitations of human nature; voluntarily giving up the independent use of his comparative attributes p 191 â€Å"christ surrendered no attribute of deity but that he did voluntarily restrict their independent use in keeping with his purpose of living among men and their limitations p 192 What is hypostatic union? jesus is both god and man, the union of two distinct natures in one person, jesus christ the god man p 197-198 What does â€Å"temptability†mean? enerally understood as the enticement of a person to commit sin by offering some seeming enticement p 208 to have an appeal What does â€Å"impeccability†mean? christ could not and did not sin p 209 What is vicarious suffering? suffering endured by one person in the stead of another p 215 What is a vicar? a substitute, one who takes the place of the other and acts in his stead p 215 What does â€Å"redemption†mean? to be freed p 220 to buy back p 219 What does â€Å"propitiation†mean? the turning away of wrath by an offering p 220 How is every person a sinner on three counts? guilty of personal sin, imputed sin, sin nature p 224 What is the difference between judicial guilt and personal guilt? judicial: non experiential condition of the sinner who stands guilty before god (born in sin, has sin nature, personally commits sin); personal: experiential, how a sinner feels convicted of sins p 225 What theory taught that Christ did not really die on the cross but that the soldiers just thought he did? swoon theory p 233 Know the 12 proofs of the resurrection. p 236 What is the biblical definition of death? separation of a person’s body and spirit p 239 True or False Christ was not God when he was on earth. false Without the shedding of blood, there is no payment for sins. We will write a custom essay sample on Lu Theology 201 Quiz 5 Study Guid or any similar topic only for you Order Now true The law is a unit; to break one is to break all. true Man is not reconciled to God through the blood of Christ; rather, the blood is a metaphor for the moral and noble life we should live. False The disciples were surprised at Christ’s resurrection. True At the resurrection, Christ’s body and spirit were reunited. True How to cite Lu Theology 201 Quiz 5 Study Guid, Essay examples
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