Saturday, November 30, 2019
Soils lab report Sample
Soils lab report Paper Observations/Data Record the observations and/or data you collected here. Describe the color, feel, and appearance of each soil sample. Sample 1: Play ground sand: khaki colored, feels rough, has more sand than rocks. Sample 2: Potting soil: black/brown-sis colored, feels some what soft, has little pieces of bark (woody stem, branches, and roots of plants. ) Sample 3: Backyard soil: Orange-red, feels lumpy, muddy look alike. What is the texture of each soil sample? Sample 1 : coarse texture because the aggregates are larger hence drains fetter Sample 2: when breaking down by soil microbes becomes finer Sample 3: smooth, and sticky when its formed into a ball Describe the way that water drained from each soil sample. Sample 1: with the sand particles being large, the water drained pretty quick Sample 2: it absorbed the water Sample 3: it took a while to drain out since it absorbed most of it @ KC Distance Learning Analysis Answer the following questions about this lab. 1. How did the feel of each soil relate to its texture? Soil relates to its texture by the type of environment 2. Based on your observations, what kind of texture led to the fastest water drainage? What kind of texture led to the slowest water drainage? We will write a custom essay sample on Soils lab report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Soils lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Soils lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer How do you think texture influences a soils porosity and permeability? The coarse texture of backyard soil drained water faster. Potting soil was the slowest water drainer because instead of draining it absorbs. Soil texture and structure greatly influence water infiltration, permeability, and water holding capacity.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Harrison Narcotics Act
The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914 In the early seventeenth century a small Christian cult known as the puritans left Europe for a new life in North America. The Puritans brought with them supplies; food, tools, clothing, weapons, and all the necessities to survive their new un-developed environment. The Puritans also brought with them, forty-two tons of beer, and ten thousand gallons of wine. Thus by arriving early and in quantity alcohol secured its place as the most ‘American’ of the psychoactive drugs, though other more ‘exotic’ drugs were accepted and used throughout the young nation. (J. June) Up until 1883 there were no restrictions on psychoactive drugs. As the nineteenth century progressed, eating-opium could be bought in grocery and candy stores, and the promoters of patent medicines, including even â€Å"soothing†preparations for children, took to loading their products with the drug. It was the Civil War, however, that gave the American addiction rate its big boost. In those bitter years, morphine, and the new syringe proved a blessed substitute for inadequate battlefield ministrations, and opium was always in short supply because it was an effective antidote for the ever-present dysentery which afflicted soldiers under both standards. There were three different types of tools usually found in a field medics bag; a knife for tissue, a saw for bone, and wire clippers for veins. In those days a good medic was a quick medic. (History Channel â€Å"Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way†) When morphine came along it effectively killed the pain and enable d the medics to take more time on the wounds. After the Appomattox, addiction became tolerantly known as â€Å"The Army Disease.†In the 1880’s one observer estimated that 4 per cent of the population of the U.S. used some kind of opiate for non-medical purposes. After the Civil War finally ended, there was the great task of rebuilding. There were many newly... Free Essays on Harrison Narcotics Act Free Essays on Harrison Narcotics Act The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914 In the early seventeenth century a small Christian cult known as the puritans left Europe for a new life in North America. The Puritans brought with them supplies; food, tools, clothing, weapons, and all the necessities to survive their new un-developed environment. The Puritans also brought with them, forty-two tons of beer, and ten thousand gallons of wine. Thus by arriving early and in quantity alcohol secured its place as the most ‘American’ of the psychoactive drugs, though other more ‘exotic’ drugs were accepted and used throughout the young nation. (J. June) Up until 1883 there were no restrictions on psychoactive drugs. As the nineteenth century progressed, eating-opium could be bought in grocery and candy stores, and the promoters of patent medicines, including even â€Å"soothing†preparations for children, took to loading their products with the drug. It was the Civil War, however, that gave the American addiction rate its big boost. In those bitter years, morphine, and the new syringe proved a blessed substitute for inadequate battlefield ministrations, and opium was always in short supply because it was an effective antidote for the ever-present dysentery which afflicted soldiers under both standards. There were three different types of tools usually found in a field medics bag; a knife for tissue, a saw for bone, and wire clippers for veins. In those days a good medic was a quick medic. (History Channel â€Å"Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way†) When morphine came along it effectively killed the pain and enable d the medics to take more time on the wounds. After the Appomattox, addiction became tolerantly known as â€Å"The Army Disease.†In the 1880’s one observer estimated that 4 per cent of the population of the U.S. used some kind of opiate for non-medical purposes. After the Civil War finally ended, there was the great task of rebuilding. There were many newly...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Causes of Ketamine Addiction
Causes of Ketamine Addiction Psychology of Drug Addictions Stephanie Boaz ABSTRACT Ketamine was first discovered in 1961 but not synthesized until 1962 by a man of the name of Calvin Stevens that worked with Parke Davis Labs ( ). Stevens discovered Ketamine when searching for a replacement for PCP anesthetics. It was not until 1965 that Ketamine was later used as a relational drug which was discovered by Edward Domino ( ). Ketamine is considered to be a fast acting, dissociative anesthetic ( ). Ketamine is not like your customary anesthetics it works by blocking the brains activity from the body. Without stimulation the brain’s perceptions increase causing the brain to start a hallucinogenic state of mine also known as the emergence phenomena ( ). Ketamine has the chemical name: 2-(2-chlorophen yl)-2-(methylamino)-cyclohexanone ( ). How Does a Person Get Hooked on Ketamine Ketamine is used in many different ways. It is used an anesthetic on humans it is primarily used on children or the elderly and people of third world countries due to the emergence phenomena ( ). When using Ketamine as a recreational drug is comes in many forms such as powder, tablet, or in a liquid form which are taken orally, anally, snorting, or injected in the muscle or veins. Once administered intramuscularly it takes roughly two minutes to take effect (Julien, Advokat, & Comaty, 2011, pg.530). If snorted it takes about 5-10 minutes to take effect, peak times are different according to the way the drug is administered ( ). With the use of Ketamine it has psychic sensations that may occur such as mood state and body images, floating sens ations, vivid dreams or illusions and the occasional frank delirium ( ). Ketamine is also known as Special K on the streets. It has the similar effects as to what PCP would have on a person. Once the drug is ingested the body can feel the effects for up to 24 hours after ( ). Special K is also a drug that is very well known for its use in date rape. This drug is both odorless and has no taste at all. There are many street names for this drug that include: ( . Special K K Super Acid Kit kat Vitamin K Jet Honey oil Purple Cat Valium Ketamine or Special K has many signs and symptoms that accompany the use of this drug which consist of and are not limited to ( ): Hallucinations Poor vision Amnesia Strange heart rate patterns Nausea Identity confusion Elevated heart rate Numbness Out of body experiences Delirium Rash Confusion of time Depression Poor coordination Seizures Realistic dreams There are many long term side effects from the use of Ketamine/Special K ( ): Permanent memory loss Anxiety Respiratory complication Neuroses Inability to pay attention Poor learning ability Night terrors Mental disorders PTSD Increase in blood pressure Flashbacks Loss of consciousness Depression Insomnia Once Ketamine /Special K is used on a regular basis the drug begins to build up in the person body thus forming a tolerance to the drug. Once this is done it requires that more and more of the drug be utilized in order to feel the high that the person is seeking. Once the drug has been used for a long period of time the effects may take many years to overcome. In order to completely overcome the addiction it requires the use of drug rehabilitation ( ).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Design of Health and Safety Control Systems Assignment - 1
The Design of Health and Safety Control Systems - Assignment Example The design of any equipment used at work is controlled and measured by various legislation, with the supply of machinery (safety) regulations 2008 covering the stepladder involved in this operation (Policy Group STSU, 2008). The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 cover the stepladders usage and maintenance throughout the operation (Policy Group STSU, 1998). This PUWER legislation requires that the equipment be ‘suitable for the intended use’ and ‘maintained in a safe condition’. Regular checks are required by this legislation, and all checks should be recorded to ensure that the equipment is in the best possible condition to prevent health and safety issues. Additionally, all employees concerned in the operation are required to have adequate training. To verify the competence of these employees, the PUWER legislation requires that all equipment must be used by those who have received adequate information with which to use the equipment safe ly. In this case, to ensure that all employees are competent, they must be shown the correct use of the ladder prior to the operation despite any prior training. For the chemicals, the correct safety procedure should be carried out and the employees should be familiar with the packaging to ensure they know the risks and signs. The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmopsheres Regulations 2002 (Disease Reduction Programme Office, 2002) requires that all substances that are flammable are controlled, and employers should ‘find out what dangerous substances are in their workplace and what the fire risks are’, as well as ‘put control measures in place to remove [or] remove’ the risks. Employees should be properly informed about and trained in the usage of these chemicals. The sealant, in this case, is the dangerous substance and the employees involved should be informed of the risks and training in its use. Finally, the welfare of the employees is also a concer n in enclosed spaces. The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 should be followed stringently to ensure that work in the enclosed space is safe, healthy and poses no risk to welfare. Checks Hazard Control Measure Results What else can be done? Safe? Spray Sealant Ensure all employees using this substance understand the risks of the substance and the emergency proceedures involved Spray Sealant Ensure all employees are provided with masks to prevent any damage to health from the sealant Ladder Ensure that ladders safety information is up to date and appropriate checks have been carried out Ladder Ensure all employees are trained in the proper usage of the ladder Ladder Ensure all employees are provided with hard hats to prevent damage to the head in the case of a fall Transport Ensure all employees have clean drivers licenses and are aware of the dangers of driving down private lanes (as well as normal driving dangers) Risk Assessment What are the hazards? Who might be harmed and how? Wh at are you already doing? What further action is necessary? Action by who? Action by when? Done? Ladder The employees using the ladder to access the sewer Ensuring that training and equipment is safe and in place. None Spray Sealant The employees in the confined space in which the sealant is being used Ensuring that all fire risks are assessed and removed as much as possible. All employees are aware of the evacuation procedure for this task. All employees have the appropriate equipment for this task.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Benefits of e-communications in integrated marketing communications Essay
Benefits of e-communications in integrated marketing communications - Essay Example as been integrated into today’s systems especially with the acceptance and rapid use of the internet which has simply brought a revolution on how things are done. (Pratten 2007) The marketing field has not been left behind in the use of e-communication. Integrated marketing on the other hand is a general term which seeks to describe an entire spectrum of marketing communication. It helps ensure that the messages communicated are both consistent and complementary. Integrated marketing utilizes both online marketing which is basically e-communication and offline methods in its roles. To shape this discussion coherently, it is important to first have the e communications methods discussed and in addition, the basic marketing milestones they help achieve. The final part will draw the benefits in each of the marketing communication fields. (Tony 1999). To start with, it is almost impossible to form a paper on marketing without looking at the basic foundations of marketing which are the four P’s. Every marketer aims at achieving these as far as strategic positioning of goods is concerned. This is known as the marketing mix in a marketing field. Marketing mix is defined as a set of controllable marketing tools harnessed together to help achieve the laid down objectives of the selling company. This is the exchange value of the product or the amount paid by a customer in the exchange of a good. A price in most cases is subject to many factors either present in the company or externally determined. Factors determining the price of a good are mainly the market share of the particular company, competition levels, the total cost of producing these goods and finally the perceived value of the goods by the customers. This refers to the sum total of all the communications a marketer undertakes for the purpose of ensuring that the word about availability of a product goes out to the potential buyers/customers. This last P is the subject of this study as we look at how it
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Childrens Society Essay Example for Free
The Childrens Society Essay Imagine a child who is scared, crying, lonely. Imagine if this was your child. This is what thousands of children are going through right now from abusive parents around the country. Every year 90,000 children run away from home due to abusive parents who let there aggression out on young children. But there is help, The Childrens Society is an organisation that works in Britain to try and prevent this from happening. The society runs safe houses out in the country so children can feel safe. This is only possible by public donation to this organisation. The public (you) have the power to change these childrens future into one that they will look forward too. I have watched two adverts produced to promote/raise The Childrens Society to see how they persuade you the audience to give money to this worthy cause. In advert one it uses lots of close up shots, which make the audience feel vulnerable. In the first frame a violent angry man leans into the camera, that makes the audience feel vulnerable. The man shouts, Shut up and sit down. This is an extreme close up. If this makes the audience feel vulnerable the audience wonders how the child must feel. In the second frame, this time instead of speaking the man uses body language. He looks very troubled with his hands on his head, this also is a close up. In the 3rd frame it uses voice-overs and intense sounds. You can hear the echoing of a slap, this is exaggerated. Then there is a blackout and then out of know where you see an arm coming towards the screen this makes the audience feel intimidated. Then a face appears and the hand hits the face and again there is a big echo from the slap that is exaggerated. Doing this it makes the audience feel as though it is them, like the arm coming towards the screen puts the audience in that moment to give them an idea of how the children feel (pain and sadness). Over all of this is voice over asking the audience questions, this makes the audience watching more involved and forces them to make up their mind on the questions being asked as they are watching it. After that frame it shows an adult leaning out of a window and goes into a blackout and back to that person outside at night slumped against some wall. Then there is a blackout again and it comes back to an extreme close up of an aggressive man. He is shouting but they have cut the sound so you cant hear him. Again it feels like he is shouting at the audience and this makes them feel vulnerable. Then it goes to another extreme close up of a man who is looking gloomy and then replaces the mans face with a little boys face which also looks dazed. The audience feels sorry for this little boy and then they have an orange background with black writing that says, They cant change their world on their own, but we can help. Using the word we makes the audience feel as though they have to help. The Logo that represents the charity also appears. The charity logo has what looks like their matchstick children coloured in red, blue and yellow. These colours are what we class as primary colours and we generally associate these colours with children. Its like ABC, when we think of this we think of young children so the same applies really to these basic colours that young children know. Advert two throughout has a popular Christmas soundtrack playing over the top, which is, War is over by John Lennon. In the lyrics it says, What have you done, this makes the audience think why this girl in the advert deserves any of this. In the first frame a caption at the bottom of the screen appears and says that 90,000 children run away each year. While a girl is walking in a busy place. In the second frame a red double decker drives along side her, which we generally associate with our capital London. They have put her in London because shes a small child all on her own and its such a big city for a little girl to be in. She is not dressed for winter weather. The parents watching would probably not think twice about putting warm clothing on their child when it is cold, so this makes them feel sorry for the little girl. She stands in front in front of two billboards one with Labradors sitting around a fire and the other has the words trusted and a can of larger underneath. She then walks by some homeless people standing around a fire. Even the homeless people have something to keep them warm. Then she walks past a bouncer who is leering at her. The man is about 40 and she is about 10 and there is a sign near him saying girls. She then walks past a gutter with syringes in and a man who looks drugged up. By know the audience are disgusted at what they have seen. The Childrens Society is trying to show to the audience that they need there donations to prevent children from be subjected to this type of behaviour in the world. Then they show the girls face with tears rolling down it. Nobody likes it when children cry and the audience will be feeling very sorry for the little girl. This image is very powerful. Then she comes past a BT billboard that says Christmas past and Christmas present a famous quote from Charles Dickins. It doesnt say future. This suggests to the audience that this girl doesnt have a future and the only way she will have one is if they donate some money to this organisation. Then at the bottom of the billboard there is white writing with a black background that says, Happy Christmas. This also suggests to the audience that she wont have a happy Christmas. All of these things are making the audience feel more depressed and they want to help this little girl. Then a black background appears with The Childrens Society and number 0839 800 900 so the audience can donate some money to the organisation. The depression that the audience feels know is bad and need to know that they have done something to help especially as it is around Christmas time when every should be with there family or friends. Both of these adverts have one thing in common they try to persuade/convince the audience at home to give money to their organisation The Childrens Society, which can only help these poor children with donations from people like yourself. But both of the adverts are in away different in how they get the message across. I think that advert 2 is more effective because everybody feels sorry for the 10-year-old girl. The clever aspect of this advert is as she walks down the street it shows what children can be exposed too and what their organisation is trying to prevent, for example when that man leered at her. Both adverts are very moving and powerful in how they are presented to the audience. Parents sitting watching the adverts will not want their children to ever experience what the girl or boy experienced from the first and second advert. They generally feel that they have to give some money. When the audience gives money they feel as though they have done something to help these children, especially if they have donated at a time like Christmas when people like to give, and people get satisfaction out of giving.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Frederick Douglass: Portraying Slaveholders :: American America History
Frederick Douglass: Portraying Slaveholders Learning and knowledge make all the difference in the world, as Frederick Douglass proves by changing himself from another man's slave to a widely respected writer. A person is not necessarily what others label him; the self is completely independent, and through learning can move proverbial mountains. The main focus of this essay is on the lives of the American Slaves, and their treatment by their masters. The brutality brought upon the slaves by their holders was cruel, and almost sadistic. These examples will cite how the nature of Douglass's thoughts and the level of his understanding changed, and his method of proving the evilness of slavery went from visual descriptions of brutality to more philosophical arguments about its wrongness. Since Douglass was very much an educated man by the time he wrote the Narrative, it is as hard for him to describe his emotions and thoughts when he was completely devoid of knowledge as it is for a blind and deaf man to describe what he thought and felt before he learned to communicate with the outside world. Culture, society, and common beliefs are our bridge to communication with one another. Douglass, then, could never really explain all of what and how he felt about himself in his earlier slave days in such a way that those who read his autobiography would ever understand completely. Our first glimpse of Douglass is as a small boy, without a birthday, father, or any sort of identity. "I have no accurate knowledge of my age ... A want of information concerning my own was a source of unhappiness to me even during childhood." (p. 39) Forced to eat his meals of mush out of a trough, wearing nothing but a long, coarsely-woven shirt, and being kept in complete mental darkness, Douglass was completely dehumanized even before he experienced the horrible violence of the slaveholders towards their slaves. His proof of the evil of slavery, a main theme in the Narrative, is mostly through visual descriptions of the violence of the overseers towards the slaves. "The louder she screamed, the harder he [the overseer] whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest ... and not until overcome by fatigue, would he cease ... I remember the first time I ever witnessed this horrible exhibition. I was ... a child, but I well remember it ... I wish I could commit to paper the feelings with which I beheld it. Frederick Douglass: Portraying Slaveholders :: American America History Frederick Douglass: Portraying Slaveholders Learning and knowledge make all the difference in the world, as Frederick Douglass proves by changing himself from another man's slave to a widely respected writer. A person is not necessarily what others label him; the self is completely independent, and through learning can move proverbial mountains. The main focus of this essay is on the lives of the American Slaves, and their treatment by their masters. The brutality brought upon the slaves by their holders was cruel, and almost sadistic. These examples will cite how the nature of Douglass's thoughts and the level of his understanding changed, and his method of proving the evilness of slavery went from visual descriptions of brutality to more philosophical arguments about its wrongness. Since Douglass was very much an educated man by the time he wrote the Narrative, it is as hard for him to describe his emotions and thoughts when he was completely devoid of knowledge as it is for a blind and deaf man to describe what he thought and felt before he learned to communicate with the outside world. Culture, society, and common beliefs are our bridge to communication with one another. Douglass, then, could never really explain all of what and how he felt about himself in his earlier slave days in such a way that those who read his autobiography would ever understand completely. Our first glimpse of Douglass is as a small boy, without a birthday, father, or any sort of identity. "I have no accurate knowledge of my age ... A want of information concerning my own was a source of unhappiness to me even during childhood." (p. 39) Forced to eat his meals of mush out of a trough, wearing nothing but a long, coarsely-woven shirt, and being kept in complete mental darkness, Douglass was completely dehumanized even before he experienced the horrible violence of the slaveholders towards their slaves. His proof of the evil of slavery, a main theme in the Narrative, is mostly through visual descriptions of the violence of the overseers towards the slaves. "The louder she screamed, the harder he [the overseer] whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest ... and not until overcome by fatigue, would he cease ... I remember the first time I ever witnessed this horrible exhibition. I was ... a child, but I well remember it ... I wish I could commit to paper the feelings with which I beheld it.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Constructivist Approach to Grammer Teaching
? A ‘’Constructivist Approach’’ in grammar teaching helps inexperienced teachers understand the learning and teaching of aspect,a core grammatical concept. ?  The Constructivists’ approach to grammar involves teaching grammar in context. This simply means that grammar is taught using the students’ own writing as models. ? The constructivists’ approach helps students understand that evaluating grammar in their writing is a part of the revision process. Instructors using the constructivist’s approach teach grammar using one or a combination of the following methods: Mini-lessons Grammar journals One-on-one conferences Peer group activities MINI-LESSONS ? Mini-lessons are â€Å"teaching moments†inspired by student work. They are designed to be brief . (5-10 minutes) ? They address student writing needs in context as they arise. This technique provides students with additional opportunities to discuss their own writing as well as the writing of their peers. GRAMMaR JOURNALS ? A Grammar Journal is a notebook in which students keep records of sentences they have written that contain grammatical errors. ? Sentences are obtained from student work submitted to instructors. (Teachers can guide students to these errors without correcting them by placing a dot in the margin where the error occurs. ) After identifying the errors themselves, students then copy problematic sentences in their journals and rewrite the sentences, making alternative stylistic choices to improve each sentence. ? To take full advantage of their choices, students can rewrite their improved sentences several different ways. ? Students who do not have significant grammar problems can use the Grammar Journals to recognize their range of stylistic choices. ONE-ON-ONE CONFERENCES ? During one-on-one conferences, instructors may require students to bring their Grammar Journals They discuss some of the editing choices they have made in their editing journals and to monitor students’ progress in identifying and correcting grammatical errors identified as problematic in their work. ? PEER GROUPSMini-lessons can often be used as a group activity. ? The group activity provides students with the opportunity to â€Å"talk out†the rationale for the grammatical choices they have made. ? . This strategy is successful because students engage in dialogue with their peers about their writing ? This approach reinforces the concept of learning communities.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Clash of titans: East vs. West
Europe includes an immense diversity of cultures and languages that developed side by side; Asia on the other hand had been developing on its own for centuries before Europe began to evolve. So how did the â€Å"peninsula of Asia†, become not only a strong force in the West, but a global power. Through the different articles we read, Illustrated History of Europe, Roberts' A History of Europe, Davies' Europe: A History, Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel, Landes' The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, and Hanson's Carnage and Culture one can understand how and why the later developing Europe became the dominate power over the already powerful Asia. The Illustrated History of Europe calls Europe a divided continent, but one civilization. Europe's wide plains, for example the Great Northern Plain, only aid to an easy invasion from the east which happened numerous times throughout Europe's history. Europe also has a high diversity of languages, 43 in total, that were originated from Sanskrit. Because of this, Europe's language, in written from, is based on a consonantal system rather than that of an ideographic system such as the Chinese use. This article broke down Europe's civilization into three different bases: democracy originating from the Greeks, law coming from the Romans, and finally, the value of individualism and liberty derived from the Christians. Roberts and Davies mainly describe Europe's geography and how it affected the development of the people within. Roberts described Europe as a â€Å"peninsula of Asia†, being surrounded on its boundaries, primarily by water. This was why Europe was able to develop on its own. The bodies of water, plus the plains and heavily forested inner regions, caused people to become very isolated from one another thus letting them make their own decisions and also forming their own languages. Western Europe's temperate climate aided by the Gulf Stream kept its environment mild year round, plus with the addition of a good amount of rain made it easy to farm without irrigation. Central and Eastern Europe were not as lucky, however, because they experienced fluctuations in temperature and rainfall. Diamond discussed how the â€Å"creation†of the farmer through the domestication of plants and animals led to the development of guns, germs, and steel. He compared the â€Å"hunter/gather†peoples with the â€Å"food producing†peoples, to demonstrate the benefit of the farmer. With a farming group, one could devote one's time to other jobs, and thus become â€Å"specialists†. These specialists could master an art or trade instead of spending time searching for food, and eventually evolved to become the kings, bureaucrats, soldiers, priests, and artisans. The domestications of plants and animals was an integral part of the development of the farming culture over that of the hunting culture. For example, the peapod when it is ripe will â€Å"explode†and drop its seeds onto the ground. The only thing left on the plant after this occurs are the pea pods that did not explode. Thus those were the ones which we were able to eat because they were the only ones we were able to gather. We would therefore only disperse the seeds of the â€Å"non-exploding†pea pods through our excrement or our garbage dumps. In the end the hunter/gatherers will eventually die out because they do not have the steel to make tools as well as the weapons that the farmers have and thus will, in time, be destroyed. Latitude played a huge role in the rise of farmers in Europe. Due to the similar latitude throughout Europe the growing season is relatively the same, along with a relatively equal climate. The easy spread of germs came about because people lived in crowded villages where a disease could simply pass from one household to another. Plus with the domestication of animals, the animals now lived in close quarters to the people and thus contributed to the spread of diseases. When the European explorers introduced germs to the Native Americans, many Native Americas were killed because they didn't have the built up resistance because of the lack of domesticated animals. Because of Europe's close proximity to animals many of the world's diseases have originated there. The Fertile Crescent was a very ecologically fragile area. It ended up being destroyed due to deforestation, and erosion, as well as other factors and now is mainly desert. The Great Man theory said that a few great men can influence the events of history. One of the main reasons Europe â€Å"outdid†China was because of Europe was fragmented, whereas China was totally united, this basically meant that competition could flourish while in China what was said was unquestioned. Landes covered some of what was in the Roberts article as well as what was in the Davies article. He discussed the Gulf Stream and the immense forests, but he also pointed out facts about riverside civilizations. People gathered around rivers because they not only provided water, but also a mode of transportation. Riverside civilizations, because of their strategic importance were, however, more likely to have a ruler. In riverside civilizations if the ruler needed money or more land then he would just take what they wanted from the people. As far as property goes in the West, where there was no need for riverside civilizations due to the temperate climate and abundant rainfall, there was a deep commitment to private property; so much so that even kings did not take their subjects property. During the period of 1000 – 1500 AD, five â€Å"great†inventions were made. These inventions were deemed the â€Å"inventions of inventions†. The inventions were the mechanical clock, gunpowder, eyeglasses, printing, and the water wheel. Gunpowder, in China was used as a defense, but in the European's hands it became an offensive weapon. Eyeglasses â€Å"created†an additional work force from the many people who had poor eyesight but were in overall good physical condition. Printing was used to spread knowledge, so ideas no longer had to be passed by word of mouth. The water wheel became an addition source of power. The mechanical clock, in my opinion the most important, kept people task oriented, and because people always want the most accurate time we kept improving upon it and it turn improved upon all inventions. This was the economic revolution, which was only comparable to when humans went from hunter/gatherers to food producers. Hanson stated that the reason the West fought so well was because Europeans fought for their own land. Peoples in the West had a voice in what happened, militarily and politically, whereas peoples in the east had none. An example of this would be the battle of Salamis, the Greek soldiers got together only hours before the battle to decide if fighting this fight was really worth it. On the Persian side, however, the soldiers had no say in it, and fought that battle not necessarily wanting to fight for the cause. Due to the West's freedom, private property, domestication of plants and animals and the movement from hunter/gatherers to food producers were all factors why the less developed Europe came to overpower the already strong Asia. If Asia had had a these â€Å"fundamentals†as did the West think how different the world would be.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Charlton Heston essays
Charlton Heston essays "Eighty years ago, England effectively had no anti-gun laws, and gun crime was insignificant. Since then, as one anti-gun law after another had sailed through parliment, gun crime has steadily grown worse"(american rifleman 23). That quote by Charlton Heston makes a lot of sense, if we try to ban guns people will just get them off the Black Market. Thus with guns in criminals hands and none to protect the innocent our gun crime will rise dramaticaly. Charlton Heston is fighting to keep our guns to protect ourselves and our homes. Charlton has worked for the National Rifle Association for quite some time now, but in his earlier years he was actually an actor. " I cant remember a time when I didnt want to be an actor" ( Charlton Heston has starred in many movies over his career, but the most famous movie he made was probably The Ten Commandments in which he played Moses. Charlton made movies for about ten years, he was an actors guild award winner, and he won the academy award winner for best actor. Before all of his fame Charlton was actually in World War One flying planes for the 11th army air forces. Charlton was in the air force for three years flying planes. While in WWII he also helped to maintain all of the planes. After his service in the air force he went home to be in a broadway play. After the war he settled into a job in the NRA. Charlton now has a job as president in the NRA. Charlton Heston is now the president of the NRA. Some of the things he does around there is he publishes a column in the American Rifleman, a magazine pulished by the NRA itself. Charlton writes columns in several other magazines that the NRA publishes too. Charlton Heston has been the president of the NRA for about eight years. He is working to keep it legal to bear small arms. Charlton Heston is fighting for us to keep and bear arms. Charlton has been on a lot of infomercials and has sent t ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
International Financial Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Financial Strategies - Essay Example The paper tells that the concept of corporate governance has undergone tremendous changes since its origin. Management always pays attention to update their corporate governance strategy in accordance with the needs of the time. The corporate governance policy also maintains the relationship between the stakeholders and the objectives of the organization. Top level managers always focus on the impact of their corporate governance strategy on economic efficiency in addition to a strong emphasis on shareholder values. Since a series of corporate failures in 2001 were attributed to accounting fraud, today organizations focus on internal check policies while formulating their corporate governance strategy. Likewise, corporate scandals of various forms during the last decade attainted public and political interest, which greatly contributed to the strict regulation of corporate governance. However, it seems that corporate governance principles always give emphasis to the rights and privil eges of shareholders. In addition, the principles of corporate governance clearly point out the role and responsibilities of the board, firm’s integrity and ethical behavior, and concerns of disclosure and transparency. The main point of difference in corporate difference between the United Kingdom and the United States is that in the UK, the CEO generally does not hold the chairmanship of the board whereas, in the US, the CEO also serves as the Chairman of Board. Corporate governance in the UK In the opinion of Roberts (2011), the balance of power between the board of directors and the general meeting primarily constitutes corporate governance of a UK company. Generally, the term â€Å"governance†is used to refer to principles mentioned in the UK Corporate Governance Code. As cited in Harbottle and Lewis (2010), the UK Corporate Governance Code 2010 is a set of corporate governance principles which aim the improved performance of the listed companies on the London St ock Exchange. Financial Service Authority’s Listing Rules demand the public listed companies disclose how they have abided by the proposed code and explain where and why they have ignored the rule. Private companies are also encouraged to follow these corporate governance guidelines even though it is not a compulsory requirement in private firm accounts.Â
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Answer the question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11
Answer the question - Assignment Example Attitudinal content defines the third kind of meaning transmitted by messages. The attitudinal content indicates the required attitude that the recipient should exhibit (Posner, 2003). Although the curriculum affects the lives of students directly and defines the responsibilities of teachers, curriculum development involves debates by politicians. Notably, politicians at the federal and state levels play a critical role in curriculum development because they debate bills related to education and pass them into laws for implementation. Politicians are also policy makers determining the process of curriculum development. Curriculum development should reflect the progression made by the society. Therefore, politicians and other policy makers should be more critical when designing the modern curriculum. Teachers, school administrators, parents, and other stakeholders in the education system should actively participate in the development of innovations that define the process of curriculum development. Community members and the society should also play a part in curriculum development. Therefore, only politicians should not conduct curriculum development. In my opinion, the curriculum should be organized in accordance with critical criteria such as continuity, sequence, and integration. I have the conviction that the organization of the curriculum should be based on the experience of the learners. Such a design gives attention to the needs and the interests of the students and is likely to have outcomes that are more positive. Experience based curriculum organization promotes experiential learning, which prepares learners for the challenges in the real world. Organizing the curriculum using a subject-based design may also present positive outcomes. The subject-based design outlines the different subjects as well as the content in each subject. Such a design makes it easier for teachers to cover their content and for students to choose their area of interest (p.
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